Friday, March 14.



Dr. Mohammad Shahabuddin
MBBS ,MD(Cardiology)
Cardiology Specialists
Assistant Professor and Head of Dept:
MAG Osmani Medical college hospital
Chamber: Popular Medical Center(2pm­-8pm)
For serial: 01715 06 70 19
Dr. Mohammad Farukuddin
MBBS ,MD (Cardiology)
Cardiology and Medicine Specialists
Assistant professor and Head of Dept:
Northeast Medical College Hospital
Chamber: Popular Medical Center,(4pm­-9pm)
For serial:01 711 46 21 03
Dr. Debasis Paul
MBBS; MD (Cardiology)
Cardiology and Medicine Specialists
Assistant professor Jalalabad Ragib Rabeya Medical College Hospital.
Chamber: Trust Medical Services, Medical road,(5pm­-9pm)
For serial: 01746 72 71 54
Dr. Mohammad Azizur Rahman Ruman
MBBS, BCS (Medicine); MD (Cardiology)
Cardiology Specialists
Professor MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital Chamber:Trust Medical Services,(5pm­8pm).
For serial:
01761 66 69 12
Dr. Mohammad Sakir Ahmad Shahin
MBBS ,MD(cardiology)
Cardiology Specialists
Assistant professor
Parkview Medical College & Hospital.
Chamber: Ideal Computerized Diagnostic Center.
For serial: 01 711 90 50 35
Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Ahmed
MBBS, BCS (Medicine); MD(Cardiology)
Sylhet women’s medical College Hospital
Chamber: 7 stadium market(6pm­9pm)
For serial: 01712 65 67 04
Dr. M Ahmed Selim
MBBS, DTCD(Chest) MD(Medicine)
MEDICINE, ASTHMA & Chest Diseases
Popular Medical Centre Ltd.
For Serial: 01712­ 28 05 71
Dr. Md. Monwarul Islam Bhuiya
MBBS, DTCD, FCCP, Fellow of College of Chest Physician.
ASTHMA & Chest Diseases
Chamber: 1 6, Stadium Market, 1st Floor, Sylhet.
Visiting Time: 3.00pm­ 1 0.00pm.
For Serial: 01712­ 88 26 91
Dr. Md. Shah Alom.
ASTHMA & Chest Diseases
Chamber: Popular Medical Centre Ltd.
For Serial: 01670­ 58 09 10
Dr. Sheikh A. H. M. Mesbahul Islam.
MBBS, MD, Chest Diseases and Asthma Specialist.
Chamber: Medi-Aid Diagnostic and Consultation Centre.
For Serial: 01764 ­77 22 66, 01711 ­27 59 02,
Visiting Time: 4.30pm­ 8.30pm (Thursday­ Saturday)
Dr. Shudarshan Sen
MBBS (CU), CCD (Bardem) FRCH (London), FCPS (Medicine), PGT (Cardiology and Neuro Medicine)
Chamber: 1 9 Stadium Market, Ground Floor.
For Serial: 01712 ­24 65 04.
Visiting Time: 4.00 pm­ 8.00 pm.
Dr. Ajay Kumar Dutta.
MBBS, MD (Cardiology), NICVD.
Chamber: Mount Adora Hospital, Sylhet.
For Serial: 01765­ 88 59 07.
Dr. A.K Fozlull Hoq
Flo in interventional Cardiology (U.K)
Clinical & Interventional Cardiologist

Chamber: IBN SINA Hospital Sylhet Ltd ,
Sobhani Ghat point, Sylhet.
For Serial: 01713 30 15 23, 01972 83 27 41
Visiting Time: 4.00pm to 7.00pm (Saturday­-Wednesday).